Thursday, July 19, 2007

Liberation from Samsara by David P. - SIKKIM, INDIA

Hello all,

On the 16th of July, the boys had a rare honor. We are the first group from Dragons that was allowed to stay with Nyingma Institute, an Institute devoted to the higher studies of Buddhism. Almost all of the monks there were in training for their BA or higher in Buddhist studies. The chants permiated every aspect of the Institute. The sound was even audible two floors above the main hall as we tried to listen to a Lopon give us an introduction to the place. After a short tour of a few classrooms, we were shown to the main hall. Each one of the monks chanted a different section of prayer, creating a discordent harmony. It is impossible to deny a higher power in a place such as this. I am honored to be part of the first group that has been allowed to this place, however I will willingly admit that I was terrorfied that I would commit a cultural faux paux. We were fortunate enough to engage in an exchange with two monks. In exchange for information about Buddhism and life in the institute, the monks quiered us regarding life in America and our own spirituality. This was difficult for me, as I am still uncertain of my own spiritual path. In the morning, we ate a simple breakfast. We were able to sample a Tibetan type of tea, which was essentially liquid butter mixed with salt. While the man who was studying to become abbot enjoyed the tea, I know it was personally not to my taste.

We were fortunate enough to observe a demanding life style, and though I know I could never become a monk, I was in awe of the devotion of the monks.

Until again,


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